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I think it’s fair to say that I am not the same person I was 6 weeks ago. I feel forever changed in a way that I never thought possible, even though I’ve done this program before. I’ve notoriously been one of the least consistent people I know. And I was so lost. I had no idea how those “health conscious people” did what they did to get where they were. Those were “other people” and my life was a confused mess. This is my 3rd time doing this program and each experience has built on the last, but not in a linear way. The first time I went too hard too fast. The 2nd round started after a major move that was so hard on all of us, and I was just in the background, listening, but falling apart with family stress. It wasn’t until this round that I have felt a major breakthrough, putting the pieces together from all of my previous successes and failures. It really took until now to have a breakthrough and I’ve learned that’s normal and ok. I feel stronger and more balanced in many ways than I was when I was on my 20s dancing professionally in the city. I’ve developed new habits and actually crave them! Greens, movement, water, positivity. I value myself. Put myself first. Believe in my power. I know what I want and speak up for it. I know what feels good in my body. This is more then weight loss. I am, for quite the first time, thinking about who I really am, my desired identity and believing in it. There is a little person standing on my shoulder pushing many of the negative thoughts away and allowing me to say nice things and harness my power. I am an early riser! I am consistent! I am beautiful! I am present and engaged! I am a strong, badass lioness Mama! I can be these things when I make space for myself and put myself first. I can be better for everyone else. I think my family sees this too and in turn, supports me. It is a very gratifying cycle. And my clothes fit a bit better too To each of the ladies in this group, you have given me more than you could ever know. And my partner, Marni Roberg, you have been the most stellar partner in all the best ways. It’s been such a gift that we are in the same headspace. I’m so glad you took the leap of faith with me. And I believe that many more things are possible for both of us. I am being much more proactive now about my time and my health. And I feel all the gratitude in the world. What greater gift is there than knowing your own power?
— Rachel G.